If the number of applications exceeds the available spaces in one or more grades, attendance, except for existing pupils of the school and students with preferences shall be determined by a public, random drawing of all prospective students who have completed the application process.
All applicants who are exercising a preference must submit completed applications during the 1st Application Period which ends on January 31, 2024.
As permitted by state and federal charter law, University Preparatory School has adopted and maintained policies granting admission preference in the following order:
- Sibling(s) of admitted or attending student(s). Sibling preferences may not be exercised by student applicants who have previously attended U-Prep and subsequently transferred to another school.
- Children of the University Preparatory School employees
- Residents in the Shasta Union High School District boundaries
- Students who were in either the first or second lottery the previous year, and remained on the waiting list all year
All other qualified applicants who submit a completed application during the 1st Application Period are considered to be in the First Draw.
First Draw
Current students, who have indicated that they are returning to U-Prep, keep their status as enrolled students. Applicants who have preferences and who submitted a completed application within the 1st Application Period are next to be enrolled. The remaining spaces are open to lottery. If the remaining spaces can accommodate all of the first draw applicants, they will be admitted on February 1, 2024. If First Draw applicants exceeded the number of available spaces, they are drawn before students who applied after the First Draw deadline (January 31, 2024).